Here’s a bit of my story, how I thought becoming a fitness instructor would help me become healthy, happy and strong.
Picture on left is circa 2014. I was teaching fitness classes part time, had ran 1 marathon (poorly) and still fighting the tummy pooch. At that time I had taken the leap into the world of Team Beachbody and doing home workouts. Hard truth: majority of my workouts were CARDIO based. Maybe 1 lift session a week and in classes where I would be focused on my STUDENTS, not me. Fast forward to circa 2018 where I am now working in fitness full time and scheduling in my OWN WORKOUTS. I competed in the Beachbody CLASSIC an annual figure competition held at our annual conference. No medal, but beaming with pride that I had the body confidence to stand in front of judges and over 500 people on stage this summer. This body is the result of 2 months of 80 Day Obsession, 21 day fix extreme with Autumn Calabrese & a week of hard labor with Sagi Kalev Between the magic of looped bands and lifting heavier my body saw some big changes. I feel strong and beautiful! Fast forward to Spring 2019 and I’m able to now focus on my first love: CARDIO and running while still building strength using mutiple programs from beachbody. Yes, I want it all and if you do too, I’m here to help you achieve it! Want to know more abut how to become YOUR OWN COACH, become the best version of you? Message me and I’ll share how to get started. Don’t second guess it, know though that you can benefit in all areas of your life with this change! Can’t wait to talk to you and hear your journey to becoming the healthiest version of you!